Morgan County Courts' Jury Duty Information

If you have been summoned for jury duty on April 14, 2025 at the Morgan County Court, the trial will proceed as scheduled. Please report to County Court no later than 8:30 a.m. Morgan County Court is located on the second floor of Sheriff's Office.
Please check this page for further updates.

The status of and updates to upcoming jury trials will be displayed here. If you are selected for jury duty, please check here for updates or call the number listed on your summons.

NOTICE: Juror Questionnaires will be mailed out for the jury panel for the 2023 calendar year on or around 22 November 2022. If you are selected for the 2023 jury panel, your questionnaire must be returned to the Morgan County Common Pleas Court by 1 January 2023. Please ensure that your address is correct and contact information are up to date. If, for some reason, you are unable to serve on the jury panel, it is imperative that you contact the Common Pleas Court as soon as possible. Only the Judge can excuse potential members of the jury panel. You can contact the Morgan County Common Pleas Court at 740-962-3371 or via e-mail to

** Please ensure that your name (as in a name change due to marriage) address and contact information is correct.

** If for some reason, you believe you are unable to serve on the jury, please understand that ONLY the Judge can excuse you from Jury Duty. It is imperative that you complete and return the Juror Questionnaire, and attach any medical documentation that might assist the Court in determining whether or not you are eligible to be excused from jury duty. You cannot be excused from Jury Duty until you are summoned for an ACTUAL jury. This letter and summons only notifies you that you are called as a POTENTIAL juror for the upcoming calendar year.

** If you are no longer a resident of Morgan County, you are ineligible to serve as a juror for Morgan County. Please notify the Board of Elections, 740-962-3116, of your change of address, and return the questionnaire to the Court so you can be removed from the list of potential jurors.

** If you receive a letter for a family member who is now deceased, please notify the Board of Elections, 740-962-3116, and return the questionnaire to the Court so the family member can be removed from the list of potential jurors.