Morgan County Dog Pound

The Morgan County Dog Pound will be holding a special adoption event at the Pound on October 19, 2024 from Noon until 4 PM. There will be games where you can pair up with your favorite Pound Pup for a chance to win some prizes. Food will be available by donation. As always, we will have sign-up sheets for those who want to volunteer.

Speaking of games, if you know the answer to this riddle, stop by and let us know for more chances to win.

"Whoever makes it, has no need for it.
Whoever buys it, won't use it.
Whoever uses it, won't care."

Picture of the Morgan County Dog Pound building

Mistie Long - Pound Keeper

Phone: 740-651-5061

Hours of Operation:
Monday: 12 - 4
Tuesday: 12 - 4
Wednesday: 12 - 4
Thursday: Closed
Friday: 12 - 4
Saturday: 8 - 12
Sunday: Closed

Find us on Facebook.

Pictures of dogs currently in the pound can be found on the Facebook page.